Saturday, September 30, 2017

What are the Odds?

So our first week in Beijing, we were at a market and came across Randy Wright and his wife, Ling Wong. Randy lived in our Provo Utah ward before we left for Hong Kong a few years ago. He moved to Beijing and writes for the China Daily newspaper. We finally got together so Randy and Ling Wong could show us around a bit. We went to the Prince's Mansion near Ho Hai park, and also JingShan, overlooking the Forbidden City.

Chamberlains, Randy Wright and Ling Wong in front of the Prince's Mansion. It was an incredibly large set of buildings in multiple courtyards and gardens. Very beautiful.

Laraine was a "rock star" with her blond hair and blue eyes. These are tourists who asked to have their picture taken with her. 

Being a very "lucky" place, the Prince's mansion is where people can put up their petitions for good fortune. These little wooden red squares contain those petitions, and they're tied to everything around this small shrine. 

Trying to capture interesting faces from a distance with telephoto lense, I was discovered by a man and his daughter. He wanted me to capture him and his little girl. 

From the top of "JingShan" mountain or "Coal Hill," you can see the Forbidden City, now known as the Palace Museum. On the other side of the square, surrounded by a large mote, is Tiananmen Square. 

We weren't the only visitors to the top of "JingShan" mountain. Most tourists in Beijing are Chinese from other locations.

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